Thursday, November 25, 2010

Our Story

For those of you who've known us for a while, we hope you've seen many changes in our lives which have been prompted by our love for our Lord.  If you've only known us for the past four or five years, you may not know much about Wesley and Kimberly's past lives.  Sounds a little mystical and scary at the same time.

We suppose most would consider us fairly "simple" people and that's just fine.  We hope that you see beyond our "simplicity" and actually SEE God working in our lives to transform our ENTIRE family into HIS image.  We desire for people to see Jesus in us.  Even if you've just had a brief encounter with us, we pray that somehow, you're able to see Christ living in us.

But this was not always so.  While we're not going to go into many details, we want you to understand a little about how our God entered our lives, transformed us instantly; and yet, we find that He DAILY desires to sanctify us and transform us more and more into the people He desires us to be.  It's all for His glory that "we have been set free from sin, and become slaves of righteousness." (Romans 6:18)

So, back up a few years and look at a young couple striving for the "American Dream."  Nice house, nice vehicles, Kimberly with an excellent career, nice restaraunts, nice clothes, the list goes on and on.  We were certainly living for self.  Can we say "materialistic" and "self focused."

By the world's standards, we had it made.  Yet, we were both striving for things that brought only temporary satisfaction.  A good old country boy married to a city girl.  A man who loved the outdoors and sweated anxiously if in the mall for 10 minutes.  A man who didn't know how to "communicate" as a husband and just wanted his time in the woods or on the lake.  A man with a history of drug, alcohol, and tobacco abuse.  A man who didn't really know or even care if God existed.  A woman who, though brought up in a Christian home, became involved in the occult.  A woman who thought climbing the corporate ladder was an added notch in her ultra feminist mind.  A woman who tried to find her security by attaining beautiful things and accomplishment.  A woman who loved all the American life had to offer.  The marriage struggled, the man withdrew and the woman became an emotional wreck. 

Enter God (though we can look back and see His hand ALL throughout our lives).  Kimberly became pregnant with Hannah and was on partial bed rest.  Oh, how the Spirit worked.  It's amazing how He works - like a sudden light in the midst of darkness.  Kimberly began to attend church with her girls and she began to pray for her husband who was antagonistic to the Gospel.  The Lord made it clear that she could not serve two masters, so she took steps to gather all occult materials, even secular books and music that would hinder her walk with her Lord.

Soon after Kimberly's conversion, Wesley became convicted of his life apart from Christ and his need for a Savior.  Again, we see the blinders removed to see Christ clearly for the first time and a transformation take place.  Think of Saul's conversion in Acts (though not quite so extreme).  Soon after, as Wesley began to seek and serve God, he was released from the bondage of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco.

And God renewed the marriage.  As we began to study and hunger after the things of God, He transformed our thoughts and our ways.  Jehovah in His infinite kindness and mercy saw fit to take two people with tons of baggage on the road to destruction and turn them into His vessels for His glory.  There are no words to express our gratitude for the Sacrifice He's made for us.  How can we not follow in obedience to Him!

The testimony of our salvation isn't the end of our testimony, it's only the beginning.  We could tell you how the Lord brought Kimberly home from a promising career (she's the one with the degree), to live by faith on a much lower single income.  How the Lord has taught us to be more frugal and better stewards of what He's given us to help make every penny stretch.  We're living testimonies to His great Hand of Providence in more ways than we can count.  If we hadn't stepped out in faith, we would never have seen Him work the miracles He's performed before our very eyes.

And continually, we find that the Lord is moving us to "step out in faith" to trust Him more, to let Him take control of our lives - constant transformation, i.e. sanctification.  "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:2

As mentioned earlier, our testimony continues.  We pray we'll always be able to look back and testify that God once again brought us closer to Him, as we seed to follow hard after Him.  "If you then have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.  Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on the earth.  For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God."  Colossians 3:1-3 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Welcome to our our first blog!

While reading blogs is not a new thing for us, posting and maintaing is another story.  As time permits, we will attempt to keep our friends and family appised of what's happening with our progress toward moving overseas.  Due to the secure nature of our location, we will be guarded in what we say and how it is said on this public site.  However, we may share what the Lord is teaching us, which is something that never stops, along with the strides in progess we make toward the vision which the Lord has given our family.

Thank you for taking the time to follow our journey, for praying for us and for encouraging us.  We pray that somehow you will be blessed of the Lord as you join together with our family through "Jesus Christ our Lord, through whom we have received grace and apostleship to bring about the obedience of faith among all the Gentiles (Central Asians), for His name's sake."  Romans 1:5

Bondservants of Christ Jesus,
The Pages